Peas benefits

Peas benefits

People keep searching for ways to add vegetables to their children and their own food. Nowadays, it's very simple with the vegies variety. All kind of vegetables carry lots of nutrition facts and benefits. Today's vegetable we are going to cover is round, small, sweet and delicious. They pop deliciously in your mouth. You can find it in lots of amazing dishes. Today I will add to the vegetables chain peas. I guess you already know what we are going to do. Today I will share with you guys the benefits of peas. So, let's begin 

Peas as other vegetables are super important for our bodies health. As they are loaded with nutrition which  your body badly needs. Peas are a great source of Vitamin A, C, K and fibers. In this small vegetable you will find Vitamin B-6, Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamine, Iron, Phosphorus, Folate,  Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Calcium. Peas are rich with antioxidants like polyphenol antioxidants. They have zero cholesterol, fats and sodium. 

Adding peas to your diet can protect you from lots of diseases. Peas like other vegetables are great for your immune system as they have a great portion of Vitamin C. They can help you control your blood sugar levels. Peas are good for your digestion process as they help in keeping your gut bacteria healthy which facilitates your waste flow. Most importantly, they can protect you from some major chronical diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. 

Did you know that peas can help preventing Anemia. Low amount of Iron causes Anemia. As I mentioned before peas hold a good portion of Iron which strengthen your muscles, fight weakness and combat fatigue. Who thought that peas can be super effective for Anemia. Lots of people suffer from Anemia. Adding vegetables like peas to their meal can help them a lot. Unbelievable, right.

Peas are great for your skin and eye health. It is known that when you get older your sight and skin function decrease. You start suffering from signs of aging on your skin and poor eyesight. Peas can help you with that. As they prevent the risk of losing eye sight and signs of aging. You will enjoy a glowing and firm skin as peas are rich with Vitamin C. Vitamin C has a major role in producing Collagen which is great for your skin health.

If you are looking for a way to loss weight deliciously, peas are your solution. They have low portion of calories which make them perfect for your diet. In each 100 grams of peas you will gain only 81 calories. Amazing , right. They also help in filling you up fast. You will be hit with the feeling of fullness and you won't even touch other food. One of the most effective pea recipe to lose weight is pea soup. I saw lots of diets which add pea soup like Keto diet. 

Peas can be added easily to your daily diet. You can add them to your soup, salads and main course. Have you ever tried some creamy peas soup. You will get lost with it's creaminess and richness. Who doesn't love adding peas and carrots to their rice. They are great addition to your rice and pasta dishes with their deliciousness and bright green color. You can have a creamy potato and peas or carrot and peas salads. You can enjoy them in beef, chicken or vegetable stews. You can simply add them as a side dish to your meals. Imagine with me a plate of steak, mashed potatoes, mushrooms and peas. What a fulfilling meal. 


Who thought that adding some peas to your salad could be that important. These little round vegies hold lots of magnificent benefits. So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should add peas to your diet from time to time. If you are not a big fan of it you can simple enjoy them in salads. Soon I will share with you guys a fantastic salad recipe which contains peas in it. Guess what it's a leftover recipe so stay tuned. 

Stay Positive, Stay Safe 
