Avocado milkshake recipe

Avocado milkshake recipe

Who doesn't know that  avocados have good fats? I guess all of us know this information. Avocados are very good for your health. They are full of nutrition facts and benefits. Unfortunately, some people and specifically kids hate avocadoes taste. Of course, you can have them in different dishes but to attract kids attention you need sweet taste. That's why I will give you today a splendid and super delicious milkshake. I will give you avocado milkshake recipe. Pay attention to every single ingredient to have the best results. 

You will need: (one person serving)

1/2 avocado ( large )

1 1/2 cups of cold milk 

2 tbsp of honey ( or sugar according to your taste)

2 scoops of vanilla ice cream


Cut the Avocado into two halves as we will use one half. Cut it to slices then add them to the blender. Add the milk and honey and gently give it a small mix. We don't need all of the ingredients to mix well. Then add the vanilla ice cream and cashews. Mix the milkshake well until you get a creamy milkshake. If the milkshake was heavy, simply add more milk. Get a glass and add your milkshake. For decoration, add some cashews crumbles and voila you are done.

Avocado is a very healthy and delicious kind of fruit. It's origin is Mexico. It actually makes sense as you always find avocados in Mexican food like burritos and tacos. Avocado is a member of the Lauraceae plant family. Did you know that the plant and the fruit hold the same name. Both are called avocados. Awesome, right. Now let's know why we need avocados and are they that important for us?

One avocado is rich with lots of nutrients. It is rich with Vitamins like Vitamin folate, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, K and E. You can also find Vitamin A but in small portion. It also has a good portion of Pantothenic acid. It is loaded with other nutrients like Potassium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus and Calcium. Did you know the amount of Potassium in an avocado is more than in a banana. 

Avocados are loaded with fibers which are very effective for your body's health. They have zero cholesterol and Sodium. They contain healthy fats and an amount of carbs. That's why they have lots of calories. As in every 100 grams of avocado have 160 calorie. You can find a small portion of omega 3 and 6 in avocados. They are great for diets and healthy lifestyle. As they are great for your health and help losing weight. 

If you are looking for a good source of nutrients or a safe way to lose weight, fruit and vegetables are your healthy but delicious solution. Avocado like any fruit is substantial for your body. It contains a very healthy fatty acid called Oleic acid. Oleic acid helps in preventing Cancer and reduces inflammation. It is also found in olive oil which make avocado oil a very healthy oil to use.

Avocados are known for their health benefits. They are super healthy for your heart. Avocados help in preventing chronic diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart diseases and strokes. Avocado help in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level. They are great for your eye, skin and bone health. Avocados lowers the risk of depression and great for pregnancies. Like other fruits, avocados are very good for digestion.

Halves of avocado on a plate free image

How amazing are avocados? They are super amazing. You will have lots of benefits from a small green fruit. So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should try this recipe to try avocados in a sweet delicious way. Kids and adults will adore this avocado milkshake as who doesn't like milkshakes? The recipe is affordable financially and physically. As, it won't cost much in money and effort. You will gain other benefits and nutrition from other ingredients. To make it taste even better share it with a special person and have a nice time my friend.

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