Eggs benefits

Eggs benefits

Fluffiness, deliciousness and healthiness are what your breakfast must have. Wanna have a healthy flavorful breakfast full of nutrients and benefits? My answer for you is eggs. Eggs are the perfect choice for a healthy breakfast. Yesterday, I gave you guys three splendid omelette recipes. They are amazingly light and provide you with power and energy in a delicious way. So, today I am gonna tell you the benefits of eggs and why you need to include them in your diet.

Eggs are well known for having zero carbs and high protein which make them a great choice in diets. Eggs are a great source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B-12 and Pantothenic Acid. You will find other vitamins like Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin E, Omega-3, Thiamin, Niacin and Vitamin K. As for the minerals, eggs are also rich in Selenium and Phosphorus. You will also find other minerals like Iron, Zinc, Sodium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Magnesium and Manganese. Eggs are also packed with antioxidants ( lutein and zeaxanthin ) and amino acids. However, you need to be careful as eggs are high in cholesterol and saturated fats but are they harmful or not?

Ya, eggs are high in cholesterol but they don't affect the cholesterol level in your blood. They actually have the opposite effect. Having eggs regularly will increase the levels of the good cholesterol ( HDL cholesterol ) in blood. This good cholesterol protects your body from harmful and dangerous diseases. So, don't believe the false fact that we all know and believe in that eggs are not good for your heart. What is right is have a moderate amount of eggs. Eggs are really helpful and important for your health.

Eggs are super delicious and important for your body health. Having eggs will help and protect you from strokes, heart, brain, bones and eye diseases. This means that eggs will maintain your heart, brain function, eyesight, strengthen your bones and build your muscles. Eggs have the ability to lower and reduce blood pressure level. They are low in calories which make them a great choice for a diet. Eggs proved their effectiveness in weight lose without preventing yourself from eating.

I think it is impossible to find a cuisine or a country which don't include eggs in their food. Eggs are found in lots of fantastic dishes. You can have them as a main ingredient or a minor one. Have you ever tried Shakshuka? If you didn't you are missing a lot my friend. Scottish eggs, egg pie, egg stuffed potato, Mexican baked eggs, egg quesadillas and more eggs are their main ingredient. On the other hand, fried rice, ramen, crème caramel, crêpe, cakes, pancakes, waffles, custard, brownie, cookie, crème brulee, pastries and more are types of food that have eggs as a minor but effective ingredient.


And that's my friend what you should do today. You should add eggs to your diet. They are a great choice for bodybuilders and athletes as they help in building up your body and weight managements. What makes eggs perfect is that you can have them in salads, breakfast, lunch or dinner. As they are a complete fulfilling meal. So, you don't have to include eggs in breakfast only. You can enjoy them in any time you want. So, it's super easy to add eggs to your diet. Enjoy a delicious, fluffy and healthy meal. Stay tuned for Shakshuka's recipe.

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