Nutrition facts about artichoke salad

Nutrition facts about artichoke salad 

Fresh, refreshing, light and delicious are things we all look for in our food. Salads are the best when it comes to that. They are super refreshing, light, full of freshness and taste delicious. Yesterday I shared with you guys a fantastic salad recipe which is artichoke salad. It is packed with flavors and deliciousness. That's why today we will talk about it's benefit and nutrition facts. You must know what you eat my friend. Let's begin.


Our main ingredient is of course artichoke. Did you know that artichokes have zero fats and cholesterol? However, they are a good source of fibers, protein, copper and vitamin K. They hold minerals like sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, iron and calcium. As for the vitamins, artichokes are sources of riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, folate, vitamin B6, C and E (alpha-tocopherol). Magnificent, right? Now, let's know about their benefits.

Like we have mentioned before, artichokes are packed with nutrients which make them super healthy. They help in improving your immune system. Artichoke can help in controlling blood sugar and pressure. They also help in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. They also help in improving digestive, liver health and. Artichokes can help in reducing chronical diseases like cancer and heart diseases.

Peppers and onions

Beside their magnificent flavors, peppers will provide your body with splendid amount of nutrients and benefits. Green peppers are a great source of vitamin C. They are also a source of Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, vitamin A and B-6. Red and yellow peppers have a great source of vitamin C. They have Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, vitamin A and B-6. So, their benefits are like the benefits of green pepper. Peppers will improve your immune system and prevent chronic diseases like Anemia and they are great for your eye health.

As for onions, they have zero fats and cholesterol. So, you can add as much as you want. They are a great source of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium. They also packed with vitamin B-6 and C. Onions are super helpful when it comes to your body health. They are packed with antioxidants which help in protecting you from chronical diseases like heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. Onions also help in controlling blood sugar level. They also help in improving bone health and digestion process. 

Mind blowing, right? What you need to do now is heading to the store and get some artichokes. After these info, What are you waiting for? And that's my friend what you should do today. You should know more about your food. Artichokes, peppers and onions are very important for your health. They help in improving our immunity system and nowadays we keep looking for any source of nutrients. You can provide your body with a mega amount of nutrients and benefits by adding a bowl of salad next to your meal. Easy but super effective. So, be smart and choose well.

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
