How to know that my immunity system is weak?

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How to know that my immunity system is weak

clear liquid pouring on person's hands

How to know that my immunity system is weak? This question keeps hunting our minds with no answer. From the beginning of my blog, I tried to give you guys ways to boost and strengthen your immune system. Doctors give you food and vitamins recommendations to boost your immune system. So, we take vitamins to avoid any infection without knowing if our immunity system is weak or not. That's why I will tell you today signs which will help you figure out if your immune system is strong or weak. Stay focused.

Feeling weak and exhausted: 

koala sleeping in the tree

First important sign is feeling weak and tired all the time. You feel unable to do the simplest stuff. Stuff like laundering, cooking, cleaning, walking even washing the dishes. You can't even do any simple and easy activities. And when you do any activity you feel very exhausted even if you enjoyed a good rest.


black and silver stethoscope beside clear glass mug

Second sign, you get sick a lot. You know some people or it could be you who get colds or fevers frequently. They are the first people who get sick with diseases and viruses. This is a huge sign to know that they have a weak immunity system. As they easily get sick and their immune system can't resist that.

Stomach ache:

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Third sign, you have stomach ache a lot. If your tummy doesn't feel well frequently, that means your immunity system is not that strong. We all know that we have a good kind of bacteria which help our body. A good portion of these bacteria are located in our stomach. They help your guts to fight viruses and diseases.

Slow wounds healing:

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Forth sign, your wounds don't heal fast. We all get hurt and injuries. If these injuries don't heal fast that could be a sign of a weak immune system. As the healing process can't be done with a weak immune cells. You must have a good immunity system to have a strong and healthy immune cells which help in healing wounds.

Headaches, yellowish eye color and heavy swallowing:

a woman holds her hands over her face

Headaches can be a clear sign for bad immune system. If you have a strong headache which you have for a while, it can be a sign for a weak immune system. Your eyes and skin can tell you if you have a strong immunity system or not. If your skin and eyes have a yellowish bale color, it's a sign for a weak immune. Did you know your swallowing could be a sign for your immunity system. Any trouble in swallowing means a weak immune too.

Weight changes and white patches:

person's left hand wrapped by tape measure

I know some people who loss weight with no reason at all. On the other hand, some gain weight without changing anything in their daily diet. To clear things out, any change in your scale without any clear reason is a clear sign for a bad immunity system. Your skin also can be your guide. If you have a white patches in your skin, it also means you have a weak immune system.

I guess from these signs you can know if your immune system is strong or weak. And that's my friend what you should do today. You should be familiar with all of these information to help yourself. Hopefully, if your immunity system is strong, you can still eat well and have your vitamins. If not, you can help yourself by sleeping, eating, exercising well and keep yourself hydrated.

three avocado fruit desserts

Stay Positive, Stay Safe

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