Pasta Leftover

Pasta Leftover

Leftovers can be the best thing you can eat all day. Who doesn't like leftover pizza. You enjoy it in the morning as a breakfast or late at night as a dinner. Haven't you ever find leftover tastier than fresh made food. Some people don't bare the thought of eating leftovers. They simply throw the food without even trying to find a way to save it. It's such a shameful thing. If you are having macaroni or pasta today, you need this recipe. Today I will give you the second recipe to add to our leftover recipe chain. Let's start.

You will need:

Leftover pasta ( any kind you have)



Luncheon ( any meat you want)


Get a microwave plate and put the amount of pasta you want. Add a small portion of milk about quarter of a cup. You need to be cautious as the pasta won't need any liquids. It's already cooked. You need the milk to make it saucy. Then add the amount of cheese you want. Don't be stingy and add more. Put the meat you prefer. You can have chicken, sausage or beef but I like it simple. That's why I added luncheon. Next, put it in the microwave until you see no milk. You will end up with creamy and cheesy pasta. Finally add on the top more cheese and put it back to the microwave. And voila you are done.

This recipe is very helpful and super delicious. The pasta you need for this recipe must be plain without salsa at all. You just need boiled pasta. Adding the milk will make it creamy and rich. It's like making pasta with white sauce but the lite version. The meat you use can be a leftover too. Don't waste it and cut it into slices and add them to your pasta. You won't even tell it's from leftovers.

This recipe is very simple. You don't need lots of ingredients and it's super easy. You even don't need the oven. You just need the microwave and you all done. What is more comfortable than having mac and cheese. This recipe is a version of it. My little sis made it for me and it was amazing. It was creamy and flavorful. I loved it.

So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should try this recipe with your leftover pasta. It's super delicious with it's creaminess and richness. Don't throw leftovers and waste it. You can make lots of good stuff out of it. You just need to be creative and willing to try new stuff.  

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
