Why you need feta cheese

Why you need feta cheese

Who doesn't like starting their day with a light breakfast. You feel like a feather, light and full of energy. One of the best things to start or end your day with is cheese. Cheese are such an amazing milk product. It is full of varieties, different and unique flavors. I can't have breakfast without cheese. To me it isn't breakfast without cheese. That's why today I will tell you why you need Feta cheese. You are gonna be amazed. Let's begin.

If you are searching for any source of Calcium, cheese in general will be your best choice. That's why we used to eat cheese for breakfast when we were kids. It was number 1 item for breakfast. Feta cheese is rich in Calcium and Vitamins like Vitamin A, D, B-6, B-12, E, K Cobalamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate and Pantothenic Acid. You will also find a great amount of other nutrition facts in feta cheese like Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium and Protein. What makes feta cheese great is it has low calories and fats which makes it great for diet and weight managements.

After all of these benefits, I have to warn you. You need to be careful as feta cheese is high in Sodium, cholesterol and saturated fats. So, don't add a big amount of feta cheese to your daily diet. You can enjoy a decent amount of it. By that way, you will enjoy it's benefits and won't harm yourself. And of course enjoy it's deliciousness.

Adding feta cheese to your diet can be really helpful. It helps in promoting the immunity system. It's great for your bone, heart and digestion health. It helps in preventing chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. Feta cheese has an anti-inflammation effect. Because of the great amount of Calcium which feta cheese has, it is great for your bone health. It is great for your digestion as it is very good for your guts. Feta cheese has a good bacteria type which protects your guts and improves the digestion circulation.

Cheese is the most used and loved milk product. It is super light, creamy, milky and delicious. I love adding feta cheese or any kind of cheese to my salad. They give a decent creamy and milky addition to my salad. I gave you guys before my lovely vegetable and cheese salad recipe. It's main ingredient is feta cheese. Feta cheese isn't restricted to breakfast. You can have feta cheese in appetizers, breakfast, lunch ,dinner and even dessert. 

Who doesn't like a feta cheese sandwich with a hot beverage like tea as a breakfast. It's such a light and delicious breakfast choice. You can add feta cheese to your diet easily. Feta cheese goes so well with any kind of vegetable. You can have cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and olives beside feta cheese and you will be very satisfied. If you are baking any kind of pastries, you must try filling it with feta cheese. It is gonna be very fluffy, creamy and milky. Who doesn't want that. You can also have a feta macaroni or feta chicken pasta, roasted potatoes with feta cheese, chicken breasts and feta cheese crepe and more. 

Have you ever tried jam with feta cheese. You are missing a lot my friend if you haven't try it before. It's a mix of saltness, sweetness and creaminess. You must give it a try. So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should add feta cheese to your cheese choice. It is very useful for your body health. Who doesn't want a natural source of Vitamins and minerals. You need to give it a try for your health and mouth my friend.

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
