5 Fruit types for your immunity system

5 Fruit types for your immunity system

All of the medical professions keep advising us to include any kind of fruits and vegetables in our diets. They do that for a huge reason. Fruits are a great replacement for sugar and desserts. You can eat as much as you want when it comes to fruits. While your conscious keep torturing you cause you ate lots of chocolates. That's why today I will give you 5 fruit types which definitely gonna strengthen your immune system. Let's be amazed.


Apples are loaded with nutrients. They are rich with vitamin C and fibers. They have zero fats and cholesterol. They contain a good portion of vitamins like A, K, E B1, B2 and B6. They have Potassium, manganese, copper and carbs. Don’t peel the skin of the apple. As its skin has Polyphenols which is very important for your immunity system. Apples are a very healthy and refreshing fruit. Apples are good for your heart, bone and brain health. They lower the risk of diabetes, Asthma, Cancer and Strokes. They help in weight loss. They aid in the growth of good bacteria and protect your stomach from any diseases. And of course, apples improve the immunity system.


Bananas are great source of energy. That's why parents give bananas to their children. They also contain a great portion of vitamins and nutrients. As bananas are super delicious and provide their children all the benefits which their body need. They are rich in vitamins like B-6, C and A. Bananas are great sources of Fiber, Potassium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium and Manganese. Like most fruit and vegetables, bananas contain zero fats and cholesterol. Awesome, right. Any kind of fruit and vegetables has lots of benefits and nutrition facts. Of course, bananas have a good portion of nutrients which your body needs. Bananas improve skin, heart. kidney, brain and bone health. They can help you control your blood sugar and pressure. Bananas help improving your digestion process. They can help in fighting serious diseases like Anemia, Asthma and Cancer. Stunning, right.

Did you know if your muscles are hurt, bananas could help them recover faster than usual. They can improve your vision and eye health . Bananas also help in lowering stress and anxiety. They may also help in preserving memory and boosting mood. One of the best things bananas can help you with is lowering your cholesterol level. Isn't that amazing.


Pumpkins are known for their amazing benefits. Pumpkins can improve the immunity system, lowers the risk of cancer, asthma and heart diseases. They help in improving and protecting sight, skin, and heart health. They also help in losing weight as they have low calories. Pumpkins can protect us from all of these diseases because they have lots and lots of nutrients. They are rich in Vitamin A and C. They contain Potassium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Phosphorus, Zinc, Folate and Vitamins like E, B2 and B-6. They also have a little portion of carbs. Even their seeds contain lots of benefits when they are roasted as we mentioned before in Lib article. Isn’t that amazing.


Watermelons are known for having a good portion of nutrients which you and your body need it. they have a small portion of carbs and they are cholesterol free. They are rich in Vitamin A and C. They have Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin B1, B5 and B6. They are used in diets as they are low in calories. Watermelons have lots of benefits which help your body a lot. They keep you hydrated as they contain more than 90% of water. They improve heart, skin and hair health. They help in the digestion process. They protect your body from cancer, inflammations, Asthma and heart diseases. They help in preventing muscle contractions and depression. Have you ever felt depressed while eating watermelons, I don’t think so. They change your mood and make you more relaxed. They do all of these stuff cause they contain lots of nutrients.


Pineapples are great sources of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. They have Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and pantothenic acid. They have a great portion of vitamins like Vitamin A, B-6, C, Niacin and Thiamin. However, they are rich in vitamin C. Pineapples have zero fats and cholesterol which is a great thing. Pineapples can protect you from major diseases. As they strengthen your immunity system which is a powerful weapon to fight diseases. They can reduce the risk of heart, brain, liver, bone diseases and cancer. They help in easing the digestion process. You can add pineapples to your diet as they help in losing weight. They will give you a good portion of delicious power to start your day with.

Pineapples strengthen your mental, eye, bone, skin, teeth, hair even your nail health. They can strengthen your hair and nails without any chemicals or external methods. They make it more shiner, softer, thicker and healthier. They can reduce blood clotting, blood pressure and stress. They help in preventing asthma and nausea. If you have a cold, pineapples and fruit can help you a lot. As pineapples help in treating cough and cold.

Here you go, 5 mouth-watering fruits to add to your diet. They will protect and strengthen your body health. Adding a fruit to your meals is way helpful and important than you can imagine. So, that's my friend what you should do today. From time to time, you should replace your desserts with a light fruit. I will show you a simple equation. Having your meal + a Fruit = a Healthy life. Don't ever skip your breakfast fruit at least. It will give you healthy energy and huge amount of nutrition and benefits. I would like to inform you that I will take a week or less vacation. You need to miss me guys. Through that week, you can re-read the old articles and enjoy knowing new stuff. 

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
