Fruit Salad Recipe And Benefits

Fruit Salad Recipe And Benefits

Vegetable or fruit salad are light, fulfilling and extremely healthy thing to eat. Having salad is very helpful for your body health and your appetite. Knowing different recipes and ingredients of salad for sure will increase your appetite for salad. Today I will give you a fruit salad ingredient and their benefits. To make a delicious fruit salad you need to choose well the fruit mix you are gonna use. So, let's go.

The Ingredients:






Cut the fruits into pieces or slices whatever you prefer. Put all of the fruit into your bowl and mix well. Let the juices of the fruit make a delicious natural sauce for your salad. If you prefer sugary salad or you feel that the salad is missing some sugar, you can add sugar according to your taste. However be cautious and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved to avoid very sugary salad. If you want a 100% healthy salad, you don't need to add sugar at all. 


Cantaloupes are full of nutrition and benefits. Cantaloupes are rich in vitamin A and C. You will find other vitamins like Folate, B-6, K, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin and Pantothenic Acid. They also have Protein and hold lots of minerals like Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Folic acid, Zinc, Phosphorus and Selenium. Cantaloupes have very low fats, cholesterol, carbs and sodium. And of course, they are full with water. About 90% of them is water. After all of these splendid nutrition facts, they must have lots of health benefits. 

Cantaloupes can help in strengthen your immune system. Like we mentioned before, cantaloupes hold lots of water. This water will keep you hydrated and full of energy. They are packed with an anti-inflammatory and antioxidants effects which make them very important for your health. Cantaloupes are great for your eye and heart health. They can protect you from chronical diseases like cancer. 

Cantaloupes are great for diabetes and blood sugar management. They are very helpful when it comes to digestion. Adding them to your diet is very important if you want to loss weight. Because of the low calorie, carbs, fats, cholesterol and sodium, make them a fantastic choice. You will gain lots of benefits, enjoy the flavors and loss weight at the same time. 


Oranges are citrus fruit which known for their amazing nutrients. They are great source of Vitamin C. About 88% of their nutrition facts is Vitamin C. Have one orange and you will gain a great portion of Vitamin C in a natural way. Oranges also have some other nutrients like Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Protein, Fibers, Vitamin A and B-6. Like other fruits and vegetable, oranges have zero cholesterol and fats. Adding oranges to your diet will strengthen your immune system. 

Oranges are great for your skin, as it protect it from damages. They are great for your eye, heart, kidney and brain health. They help in controlling and lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Having oranges will definitely lowers the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, strokes and heart disease. 

Oranges also help in the digestion process. You won't have constipation any more. They are super refreshing and flavorful. Oranges can be added to your diet easily. They will help you in weight management.


Strawberries and fruits in general have no fats or cholesterol. That’s why they are awesome for losing weight. As they have low calories, zero fats and cholesterol and contains lots of nutrients. 

Strawberries contain Potassium, Phosphorus, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamins like C, A and B-9 and a little carb. What makes strawberries awesome is that they protect you from lots of things. Having strawberries reduce the risk of strokes, heart diseases, diabetes, blood pressure and cancer. Isn’t that amazing. You can enjoy the delicious taste and the nutrients. 


Apples are loaded with nutrients. They are rich with vitamin C and fibers. They have zero fats and cholesterol. They contain a good portion of vitamins like A, K, E B1, B2 and B6. They have Potassium, manganese, copper and carbs. Don’t peel the skin of the apple. As its skin has Polyphenols which is very important for your immunity system. 

Apples are a super healthy and refreshing fruit. Apples are good for your heart, bone and brain health. They lower the risk of diabetes, Asthma, Cancer and Strokes. They help in weight loss. They aid in the growth of good bacteria and protect your stomach from any diseases. And of course, apples improve the immunity system.


Pineapples are great sources of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. They have Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and pantothenic acid. They have a great portion of vitamins like Vitamin A, B-6, C, Niacin and Thiamin. However, they are rich in vitamin C. Pineapples have zero fats and cholesterol which is a great thing.

Pineapples can protect you from major diseases. As they strengthen your immunity system which is a powerful weapon to fight diseases. They can reduce the risk of heart, brain, liver, bone diseases and cancer. They help in easing the digestion process. You can add pineapples to your diet as they help in losing weight. They will give you a good portion of delicious power to start your day with. 

Pineapples strengthen your mental, eye, bone, skin, teeth, hair even your nail health. They can strengthen your hair and nails without any chemicals or external methods. They make it more shiner, softer, thicker and healthier. They can reduce blood clotting, blood pressure and stress. They help in preventing asthma and nausea. If you have a cold, pineapples and fruit can help you a lot. As pineapples help in treating cough and cold.

So, that's my friend what you should do today. The weather is getting hotter and hotter everyday. That's why you need to enjoy a delicious and refreshing fruit salad and enjoy eating it in front of the tv. From time to time, you need to skip the heavy desserts and enjoy a light delicious dessert. Fruit salads are full of water and benefits. A simple bowl of fruit salad is full of splendid amount of benefits and nutrients. So, don't miss making it and sharing it with your loved ones. 

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
