Zero fats omelette

Zero fats omelette

In healthy life style, diets and weight management number one recommended food is eggs. Eggs are very important and useful for your body health. We will talk about their benefits soon. Now, I will give you the simplest way to have zero fats like oil or butter in your eggs. Everyone believes that you can't cook omelette without any source of fats. I can assure you my friend that you can. You will enjoy a light, delicious and fluffy omelette. Let's go to the recipe.

You will simply need:

3 eggs 

Unsticky pan

Salt and pepper



Firstly, you need to be 100% sure that your pan is unsticky pan and has no water. You want it dry. We will start to crack the eggs and add the salt and pepper according to your taste. Then beat the eggs very well. The more you whip and beat the eggs well, the more fluffiness you will get. You can add cheese or any kind of vegetables you want like mushrooms, bell peppers, chili peppers, onions, tomatoes or any other kind. However, I will make it very simple. We won't put any thing in the omelette. Finally, put the eggs on the unsticky pan and cook it like you prefer. After, you finish add it to your plate. Now let's see what sides we will add to our omelette. 

What makes a plate perfect is the sides. They add more flavors and deliciousness to the main course. You need vegetables and cheese next to you fluffy omelette. The best vegetables which go very well with omelette or eggs in general are bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. They are the best. And for the cheese, the best type of cheese is feta cheese. It goes very well with the omelette. It adds to your eggs creaminess. You can also add olives. They are a great addition to your vegetables when it comes to eggs. 

Omelette is one of the most popular and loved ways of cooking eggs. People love omelette in every possible way. So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should discover any other way to have a healthy dish. You will have a light, fulfilling and delicious omelette which has zero fats. If you don't like or prefer oil or butter, this recipe is yours. Try it and you won't regret. 

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
