Peas and carrots

Peas and carrots

Vegetables are great source of Vitamins and minerals. What is best than one healthy veggie is two healthy veggie. People keep searching for ways to add vegetables to their children and their own food. Nowadays, it's very simple with the veggies variety. All kind of vegetables carry lots of nutrition facts and benefits. Today's veggies are super delicious with each other. We are gonna talk about peas and carrots.

Peas as other vegetables are super important for our bodies health. As they are loaded with nutrition which  your body badly needs. Peas are a great source of Vitamin A, C, K and fibers. In this small vegetable you will find Vitamin B-6, Riboflavin, Niacin, Thiamine, Iron, Phosphorus, Folate,  Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Calcium. Peas are rich with antioxidants like polyphenol antioxidants. They have zero cholesterol, fats and sodium. 

As for carrots, they hold lots and lots of nutrition facts which you and your kid need. Carrots are a mega source of Vitamin A. In every 100 gm you will find 334% of Vitamin A in it. Insane, right. They also have other Vitamins like Vitamin C, B-6, E and K. Carrots are rich in Antioxidants like lutein, lycopene, Anthocyanins, Alpha-and Beta-carotene. Carrots are rich with other nutrients like Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Fibers, Copper, Zinc and Sodium. They also contain a good portion of omega 3 and 6.

Both of these magnificent vegetables are great for our health. Adding them to your diet can help you more than you think. Peas like other vegetables are great for your immune system as they have a great portion of Vitamin C. They can help you control your blood sugar levels. Peas are good for your digestion process as they help in keeping your gut bacteria healthy which facilitates your waste flow. Most importantly, they can protect you from some major chronical diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. Did you know that peas can help preventing Anemia. Peas are great for your skin and eye health. They also prevent the risk of losing eye sight and signs of aging. 

Carrots are well known for their abilities. Whenever, you mention carrots the first thing that comes to our mind is the eye. They are famous for their ability to boost eye health and it's true. Carrots are very useful for improving your eye sight as they are rich with lutein and lycopene. It's the healthiest and easiest way to boost your eye sight to you and your kid. And of course in a delicious way. Like other vegetables, carrots boost the immune system and can help in reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart diseases. As they help in boosting heart, eye, bone and skin health. They also help in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and controlling diabetes. Adding carrots to your diet will help in losing weight and they are great for digestion.  

Combining both together means enjoying all of these splendid benefits and nutrients. Great, right? By just steaming them you will enjoy a super delicious and flavorful vegetable dish. Add them to your rice, pasta, soup, meat, chicken, fish or having them alone is a great addition. So, that's my friend what you should do today. You should enjoy peas and carrots from time to time. Each one alone holds it's wonderful taste but together they taste differently. You can say they are like peanut butter and jam, strawberries and chocolate, steak and mashed potatoes and more. They go so well together. So, how could you skip them?


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