Artichoke salad recipe

Artichoke salad recipe

Starting your meal with a healthy refreshing salad is a fantastic start. Have you ever wondered why girls like to start their meals with salad? Let me answer that. Salads help in filling you up in a super light way without eating much food. You won't end up unable to breath or with a big belly which makes them very handy in cold weather. Winter is here with it's fatty, starchy and fulfilling food. Most of us gain lots of weight in Winter. That's why today I will give you guys a super healthy, refreshing and flavorful salad. Let's head to the ingredients.

You will need:


Green peppers

Bell peppers


Olive oil

Salt and pepper



First of all you need to know how to cook your artichoke. When it comes to artichoke salad, you can use more than one way. You can steam, boil or grill them; however, I prefer boiling or steaming. Of course, you can choose your preferred way but today we are going to boil them. When you boil them, don't peel their leaves. Put the whole veggie in your boiler. When they are perfectly cooked, you can peel the leaves easily. As you don't want to miss a delicious healthy snack. Now, let's begin with the salad.

When you peel your artichoke, start cutting the hearts and your raw vegetables (Onions, green and bell peppers) into slices. We need them raw to give your salad a crunchy refreshing texture which packed with nutrients. In your bowl, add and mix the artichokes and vegetables well.  You will end up with a colorful delicious salad. What you need to do now is seasoning it. Add the olive oil, salt (you can add lemon instead) and peppers according to your taste. Some people like to have their salad spicy. If feel you are a spicy food lover, feel freely to add jalapeno. I choose jalapeno as I don't want artificial sauces and they are fresh and healthier than any kind of spicy sauce. And voila, you are done my friend. 

What makes artichoke salad special is two things. Artichoke salad is very healthy and it is super fresh and delicious. Who said that healthy food isn't tasty? I assure you, they are totally wrong. This salad is one of the best salads you will ever try. You can add it to your meals easily as it goes so well with anything. You can also add them to your pasta and feel freely to add what you want. And that's my friend what you should do today. You should give this salad recipe a try. Plus, you will have a delicious salad and a healthy snack. It's a win win situation.

Stay Positive, Stay Safe
