Prophet Yunus Story And 20+ Amazing Pumpkin Benefits You Need To Know

Delicious pumpkins which holds lots of magnificent pumpkin benefits

Prophet Yunus Story and Pumpkin Benefits   

A woman is cutting a pumpkin to take advantage of all the pumpkin benefits and deliciousness

If you don't know anything about pumpkin benefits, you need to read this article. Through ages, pumpkins are known for being a source of vitamins and nutrients. We don’t eat it much and that’s my friend is a big mistake. They have lots and lots of health benefits. They are good for your whole body. They are mentioned in The Holy Quran. Three words that comes in mind a Muslim whenever the word pumpkin is mentioned are Prophet Yunus story. Today I will share with you guys the story of Prophet Yunus and the pumpkin benefits. Get ready to be amazed.

 A delicious pumpkin which holds lots of magnificent pumpkin benefits

A whale swallowed Prophet Yunus and kept him for about 40 days in his stomach. Can you imagine someone is being swallowed by a whale and staying inside him for about 40 days and getting out alive? And that’s my friend is Allah’s miracle. After Prophet Yunus was released, he was so weak and meager. Allah chose pumpkin trees to be his source of life not only for the fruit also for the leaves. The leaves of pumpkin trees are big and smooth to protect him from sunlight, insects and to cover his fragile body. After eating pumpkins, Prophet Yunus's body was healed from weakness. And that's is the amazing pumpkin benefits we are going to cover today.

 A delicious pumpkin which holds lots of magnificent pumpkin benefits

When it comes to pumpkin benefits secret, it may be because they hold lots of nutrients and vitamins. Pumpkins are rich in Vitamin A and C. They contain Potassium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Phosphorus, Zinc, Folate and Vitamins like E, B2 and B-6. They also have a little portion of carbs. Even their seeds contain lots of benefits when they are roasted as we mentioned before in lib article. Isn’t that amazing?

Pumpkins are known for their amazing benefits. Pumpkins can improve the immunity system, lowers the risk of cancer, asthma and heart diseases. They help in improving and protecting sight, skin, and heart health. They also help in losing weight as they have low calories. Pumpkins can protect us from all of these diseases because they have lots and lots of nutrients.

A cute and delicious pumpkin which holds lots of magnificent pumpkin benefits

Nowadays, we are looking for any natural sources of nutrients to improve our immunity system. We all found out that fruit and vegetables are these amazing sources. One of these magnificent natural sources is pumpkins. And that’s my friend what you should do today. You should start adding pumpkins to your food and enjoy some pumpkin benefits. You can have it in savory or sweet dishes. And as much as you can avoid any canned or already made pumpkin food. As they could have less pumpkin benefits and they are loaded with salt or sugar. Have fresh ones instead to enjoy all the pumpkin benefits. To enjoy a good portion of vitamins and deliciousness in one plate.  

Autumn pumpkin soup which holds lots of pumpkin benefits

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A delicious pumpkin pie which holds lots of pumpkin benefits
